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Who We Are

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R– Respectful of Diversity

Community National Schools operate through an ethos of inclusivity and respect for diversity. In all aspects of school life, all members of our school communities are treated equitably regardless of their race, gender, religion/belief, age, family status, civil status, membership of the Traveller community, sexual orientation, ability or socio-economic status. All children are given equal opportunities for enrolment in line with the Education (Admissions to School) Act 2018. Once enrolled, our schools strive to provide all students with equal opportunities to engage with the curriculum and school life.

I – Inclusive

Community National Schools promote a fully inclusive education that recognises
the plurality of identities, beliefs and values held by children, parents/guardians and staff.

 G – Government Funded and State-Run schools

Community National Schools are Ireland’s only state-funded and state-run primary schools. This is because CNSs are under the patronage of  their local Education and Training Boards (ETBs). ETBs are state bodies with responsibility for education and training in Community National Schools, Community Colleges, Further Education and Training (FET) colleges, youth work and a range of adult and further education centres. There
are 16 ETBs across the Republic of Ireland serving their local communities. 

As ETB schools, CNSs benefit greatly from a broad range of supports and services that may not be available to other schools. ETBs provide ethos, governance, educational, administrative, financial, human resources, information technology (IT), capital and building supports to schools. 

H – Holistic development of each child

Community National Schools strive to provide a primary school educational experience that respects each child’s uniqueness and cultivates each child’s potential through approaches that are child-centred, inclusive, dignified and founded on a commitment to contemporary, high-quality learning and teaching methodologies.

Education, particularly at primary level, is influential in shaping one’s view of the world and our sense of belonging within it. School is an important social setting and experiences in school contribute to the building, over time, of core values such as justice, fairness in treatment, respect for oneself and others and so on. Community National Schools, through the work of dedicated staff educating in a culture respecting diversity, invest in the holistic development of each child including their academic, civic, social, moral or spiritual development.

T – Togetherness with parents/guardians

Proactive relationships with parents and guardians are key to creating a cohesive school community. Acknowledging the role of the family and parents enshrined in Article 42 of the Irish Constitution, Community National Schools respect the trust parents/guardian place in having their children educated in line with the core values on which CNSs are based.

The school community needs the support and active engagement of parents/guardians at numerous levels. It is a unique experience for any parent when their child goes to primary school and the Community National School strives, through a caring and empathetic approach, to foster a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere in its schools throughout the child’s schooling experience and in support of the child’s parents and family.

C – Child-centred

A child-centred approach to teaching and learning impacts every aspect of your child’s experience of school life. In real terms, it means that each child’s needs and talents are fostered through teaching and learning approaches that strive to develop each child’s academic, social, moral, emotional, spiritual and creative capabilities. Community National Schools endeavour to provide a welcoming, safe, encouraging and happy learning atmosphere where your child can learn new skills and develop capabilities to enable him/her to engage positively and constructively with the community and the world around them.

H – High-quality standard of education

“Excellence in Education” is one of the core values of the Community National School ethos. This means that all CNSs make every effort to ensure that children are achieving to the best of their ability by prioritising excellence in teaching and learning. Furthermore, Community National Schools place the child at the centre of the learning experience. Proven conventional and contemporary approaches to the way the curriculum is taught contribute to positive learning experiences and outcomes for children. Teaching is assisted through the use of modern educational equipment and technologies to support the child’s learning process. 

O – Open and accountable

The Board of Management
Boards of Management in Community National Schools have responsibilities based on the same obligations to those prescribed for other Irish primary schools. This will mean that the Board of Management will be responsible for all matters relating to the operation and accountability of the school.

Community National School Boards of Management will be structured to reflect representation from key stakeholders involved in the school. Every Community National School Board will include representation from parents, teachers, the community, the patron and the Principal.

The ETB as Patron

Local Education and Training Boards are the patrons of Community National Schools, setting out the ethos and philosophy for the development of the school. As patron, the ETB will guide that ethos and see that is supported by the Board of Management and staff of the school.

ETBs have a distinguished record in delivering and working in partnership in the provision of education and training programmes within the communities they serve. ETBs themselves are democratic in representation and statutorily accountable through governing legislation for the performance of their statutory functions. This structure provides significant transparency and accountability.

A number of significant benefits accrue to Community National Schools in having the local ETB as its patron not least of these is the additional support, expertise and knowledge-base that ETBs possess which can act as an invaluable resource to Principals, staff, parents and the school community.

I – Inspirational leadership

 The drive, energy and commitment which management, teaching and support staff have demonstrated in the Community National Schools already opened, represents real commitment to the provision of a high quality educational experience which respects each individual child and approaches education with renewed purpose and ambition.

C – Community involvement

In a Community National Schools, “community” encompasses students, staff, parents/guardians and the local community. CNSs are founded on a strong community identity. Not only will your child experience being part of the school’s own community, they will also recognise that he/she is a valued member of the local community in which he/she lives and grows.

Schools are important hubs in any community, oftentimes providing the sole link for parents whether working within or outside the home, to neighbours and the wider community.

Community National Schools are of the community – uniquely placed in the local community and providing a welcoming, friendly, approach to parental and community involvement. Each Community National School simultaneously brings the community into the school and the school into the community.

E – Education for the 21st century

Community National Schools teach for the 21st century, applying modern technologies with established and progressive approaches to educating each child. 

To express your interest in having a Community National School in your area, click HERE.