Changing Patronage to a CNS

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FAQ for Parents


What does it mean to change school patronage to a Community National School?

All schools in Ireland are run by patrons. Patrons are responsible for running their schools. Education and Training Boards (ETBs) are the patrons of Community National Schools (CNSs), which have a multi-denominational ethos. When a school changes patronage to a Community National School, the ETB takes over the running of the school and supports the school community with establishing a multi-denominational ethos.

Why are schools to changing patronage to Community National Schools?

The Department of Education is currently undertaking a national campaign to transfer the patronage of religious-run schools to multi-denominational patrons in response to the wishes of school communities. This process aims to facilitate more availability of multi-denominational schools across the country. It is called  “reconfiguration”. Schools can change patronage to a Community National School through this process. 

What does changing patronage to a Community National School involve?

When a school reconfigures to a Community National School, the school stays open with the same roll number, school buildings, staff and children. Many other aspects aspects of school life remain the same also. For example,

  • the school continues to teach the national primary school curriculum
  • the school continues to receive the same amount of funding

Becoming a CNS will also bring changes to how schools currently operates. For example,

  • the school will now have a multi-denominational ethos
  • the school, if currently single sex, will become co-educational
  • sacramental preparation will be moved outside the school day

We have developed information booklets for parents and school staff/boards of management on what Becoming a Community National School involves, which are available below: 



Becoming a CNS: Information for Parents/Guardians

Becoming a CNS: Information for Boards of Management and Staff


Athrú Chuig SNP: Eolas do Thuismitheoirí

Athrú Chuig SNP: Eolas do Bhoird Bhainistíochta agus Baill Foirne

What are the benefits for schools that change patronage to a Community National School?

Children, staff and parents all benefit from the inclusive school ethos when their school becomes a Community National School! CNSs are multi-denominational schools which treat all members of the school community equally.

School communities also benefit from the support of their patron, the local Educational Training Boards. ETBs are local education providers of primary schools, post-primary schools, special schools and further education and training. They have developed an excellent reputation for their provision of inclusive, innovative, high-quality education that meets the needs of the entire community.

Having ETBs as patrons is significant for Community National Schools, as ETB schools benefit greatly from a broad range of supports and services that may not available to other schools. ETBs provide governance, educational, administrative, financial, Human Resources and Information Technology (IT) supports to schools.

What do parents/guardians say about Community National Schools?

“The community spirit is incredible and everyone is made feel a big part of the school. The feeling of community and the openness to communicating with parents is brilliant. You really get the feeling of one big family and you can see how much the teachers put into their lessons!!”

“It has an incredibly warm, inclusive environment and excellent home/ school communication. There are really high standards in education, and wonderful extra-curricular opportunities for the children. There are strong links within the local community. Most importantly, my child is happy going to school every day.”

“The fact that it is multidenominational, both in terms of curriculum and culture, the dynamism of the principal and staff and the great emphasis put on science, maths and art is all wonderful.”

My child’s religion is respected, and events take place for all religions and beliefs equally. My daughter is encouraged not just in education but also in life skills.”

What do teachers from CNSs that have changed patronage say about the process?

“We are now part of a school community, a groups of CNSs, everything is done correctly and by the book as such. I feel calmer since joining the CNS family as I now know that we are being guided to give our pupils the very best education we can.”

“The training on ethos and GMGY is a fantastic support for schools and school leaders. On-site visits generated a lot of enthusiasm among staff members and built capacity in our teachers to effectively live out our new ethos and teach the GMGY curriculum content.”

“Since our transition to a Community National School, one of the biggest benefits we have seen is in the support provided to us by our ETB. We have been successful in applying for and being granted Emergency Works Grants in relation to all the windows and wiring in the school. These sizeable grants which will dramatically improve our school building were only possible because of the expertise within the ETBs’ Building Department.”

“The network of principals is fantastic and it helps to be part of that group. Also, the characteristic spirit of our school is clearly defined and easily explained.”

More Information

For more information on what Becoming a CNS means for children, parents/guardians, staff and boards of management, please see the information packs below: 


Becoming a CNS: Information for Parents/Guardians

Becoming a CNS: Information for Boards of Management and Staff


Athrú Chuig SNP: Eolas do Thuismitheoirí

Athrú Chuig SNP: Eolas do Bhoird Bhainistíochta agus Baill Foirne

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