Goodness Me, Goodness You! Implementation

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To support CNSs with the teaching and learning of GMGY, Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI), in conjunction with the GMGY Coordinators’ and CNS Principals’ Network Groups, have developed an Implementation Plan for the curriculum. This page contains all necessary information and professional learning materials to support the Implementation Process.

General Information

GMGY Implementation Reports
Professional Learning

Through the GMGY Implementation process, schools will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of professional learning opportunities. CNS teachers, coordinators and principals can access information and materials for all GMGY professional learning experiences below.

GMGY Webinars aim to increase teachers confidence and competence teaching the patrons’ curriculum by providing an introduction to the curriculum, and overview of the main pedagogies underpinning each of the four strands as well as suggested methodologies, approaches and resources for bringing learning outcomes to life in the classroom.

As part of the GMGY Implementation process, CNS teachers are provided with dedicated time to prepare for teaching and learning in the patrons’ curriculum. This time aims to enable teachers to put what they have learned from GMGY Webinars into practice.

For preparation supports specific to any of the four strands, please visit the “Support Materials”.

Preparing for Teaching and Learning in GMGY

Short-Term Preparation for GMGY

Short-Term Plans and Timetabling

Learning Outcomes at a Glance





My Stories Progression of Learning Outcomes

Beliefs and Religions Progression of Learning Outcomes

We Are A CNS Progression of Learning Outcomes

Thinking Time Progression of Learning Outcomes

Planning Templates

Short Term Planning

Short Term Planning Template GMGY

Short Term Planning Template

Long Term Planning

Long Term Planning Grid

GMGY Long Term Planning Template

A central component of effective professional development is sustained opportunity to reflect on the processes of learning, teaching and assessment. Furthermore, the ability to reflect on professional practice is a key element in the behaviour of effective teachers and leaders.

As such, time to meaningfully reflect on each of the four strands in GMGY has been provided in the context of GMGY Implementation.

In most cases, reflection will be facilitate locally in schools by GMGY Coordinators. However, recognising the limitations of facilitating reflection in small Community National Schools, ETBI facilitates a GMGY Reflection for Small CNSs at the end of each term.

Click the link below to register for the upcoming GMGY reflection for small CNSs.

No upcoming events

GMGY TeachMeets are informal, teacher-led professional learning opportunities which aim to provide a space for CNS teachers to share best practice in GMGY.

To register for upcoming Teach Meets, please use the link below.

No upcoming events

Pop-Ups are once off professional learning opportunities which focus on a specific pedagogy, methodology or approach which supports teaching and learning in GMGY.


No upcoming events

These professional learning materials aim to provide new and existing GMGY Coordinators with an introduction to GMGY Implementation, their role as a Coordinator and supports available from ETBI as part of the curriculum implementation process.

GMGY Implementation Plan  

GMGY Coordinator Training Introduction to the Role of the Coordinator and Implementation

Croke Park Hours

200513 GMGY Coordinators Network Draft TOR

These materials aim to enable GMGY Coordinators to facilitate preparation for teaching and learning in GMGY with their staff on a short-term and long-term basis.

Information for GMGY Coordinators

Short Term Preparation or GMGY

Preparing for Teaching and Learning in GMGY

Preparation for teaching and learning

GMGY Coordinator Training Facilitating Short Term Preparation

Resources for GMGY Coordinators

My Stories

Short Term Prep My Stories

Thinking Time

Short Term Prep PP Thinking Time

We Are A CNS

Short Term Prep We Are CNS

Beliefs and Religions

Short Term Prep Beliefs and Religions

These materials aim to enable GMGY Coordinators to facilitate reflection on GMGY with their staff.

Information for Coordinators

Facilitating Reflection on GMGY – A Guide for GMGY Coordinator

Facilitating Short-Term Preparation for Teaching and Learning

Reflecting on Proffesional Learning


GMGY Coordinator Training are available to all Coordinators to support them with GMGY Implementation locally, particularly the facilitation of planning and reflection sessions with their staff. Coordinators can avail of
four different training sessions including:


  1. Introduction to the Role of the GMGY Coordinator and GMGY Implementation
  2. Facilitating Short-Term Preparation on GMGY
  3. Facilitating Long-Term Preparation on GMGY
  4. Facilitating Reflection on GMGY

No future events scheduled.